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Our Story

A number of years ago, after sitting in commuter traffic for over 3 hours once again, Shawn and I talked about making a change. We did the alarming math on our commute time and determined that we spent over 60 hours a month sitting in the car, in bumper to bumper traffic. We both had excellent jobs that paid us well and we were lucky to work with some wonderful people. Our families lived close by, our friends were all within a 20 minute drive or seabus away, and we had a beautiful, comfortable home. But it wasn't enough for us.

We had dreams of working outside, with our hands on a daily basis. We envisioned raising a family in a close knit community. Knowing our neighbours and fellow entrepreneurs. We wanted to live a life that revolved around being in nature and teaching our children where our food comes from and how to work for it. Pender Island beckoned to us, and we answered that call - jumping in with both feet and landing in about six inches of mud! We have learned a lot since our move in 2019. Garlic was our first crop and one that has taught us the most about the soil, the environment, and how little control we have over this world. We have shaped our farm as well stewards of the land can be.

Our farm is located on North Pender Island, and we have 33 beautiful acres. Our little piece of paradise is only 5 minutes from the ferry terminal. Our mornings start early, even earlier than our previous jobs and it starts with feeding horses and chickens. Our coffee breaks are spent overlooking the grass fields and grazing horses, and listening to the many different birds that call this valley home. With a quick glance at the white board that lists our chores, we carry on with farm chores and field work. Our lunch hour is spent as a family at the table and not in front of a computer screen. Our 5pm commute time is a walk up from the horse paddock after feeding them to enjoy a simple meal for ourselves and our two boys. Almost always our meals include something we have grown, stored, or preserved.

Our backs are sore from weeding or throwing bales, not from sitting hunched over a desk. We are stronger than we have ever been before, and healthier in mind and body.

Many of our friends and family expressed concern over us making such a huge life change. "Farming isn't easy" we were told over and over again. And we have learned after many years of farming that they were absolutely right! It most certainly is rewarding though, and neither of us would ever trade in our overalls for office attire again. We do work hard, but when you love what you do it doesn't feel like work. We couldn't even imagine a different life for our two very active and energetic boys. Our life has become more than what we could have ever hoped for. We wouldn't want to be anywhere else, or doing anything else. 

We thank you for supporting our small farm and local business, and for continuing to make our dream possible.